[ 居銮. 小姨家- Kluang Aunt’s Homestay] 位于Gunung Lambak山脚下,临近休闲公园、高速公路及百货商场,交通相当便利,是您往來居銮工作、長期出差、回乡探亲、结婚出嫁、度假等优质的租屋选择。
[ 居銮. 小姨家- Kluang Aunt’s Homestay] 每一间套房都是由屋主亲手佈置而成,浪漫摆设、精致家具和協调的色系都令人感到无比舒适,让您就像回到家般的舒服,親切。
“ 若有任何租屋上之問題,或详細之出租方式及租金,都欢迎來电询問。意者请洽 ”
【+6 012-6178795】Ling
- 為卫护住房品質,敬请全面配合
- 室內禁止吸烟
- 禁止携带宠物
- 禁止酗酒、喧哗、轰趴或嗑药…等任何非法行為,一经发现,將报警处理。
- 屋內之傢俱、电器、摆设、抱枕、掛飾、器具、浴巾系列等皆為本屋主之财产,如有需要,请向屋主洽购。上列物品如遭毀損、遗失,除照价赔偿外並保留法律追诉权。
- 外出时,请配合锁好门窗及关闭电器用品。
- 個人貴重物品,请自行妥善保管,如有遗失,恕不负则,敬请见谅。
- 预约订房:请于 2 日內预付订金房价的 20%
- 改期住宿:请于14 日前告知,订金可保留 3個月 ,或退订金的 50%
- 取消订房:请于14 日前告知,扣除 20%的房价,余额退款,逾期未告知 恕不退还 。
- 当天通知取消者一律不退費
- 请于入住的1个月前付清余额
- Check in : 12.00 中午 Check out time: 1.00 下午
【Term and Condition】
- No smoking
- No pets allowed
- illegal activities such as gambling,drug taking are prohibited in the house
- The guest who causes damage to hotel property on purpose or by accident will have to make restitution for the full amount of damage.
- Please turn the electric off and lock the doors before leaving.
- Please keep personal belongings, money and other valuables in a safe place. Otherwise, the hotel will not be held accountable for their disappearance.
- The 20% deposit must be made within 2 days from the date stated in the confirmation.
- Reservation will be automatically cancelled without further notice if the management fails to receive your deposit payment within 3 days from the date stated in the confirmation.
- Cancellation is non refundable in part or in full.
- Full payment must be settled 30 days before check-in
- Check in time: 12.00noon Check out time: 1.00noon.